This is Kara's sister and I wanted to apoligize for not posting anything on the blog in a couple of months life has been crazy for me.
But this post is not about me it is about Kara. Sister Morris is in need of your prayers. She has been trying to recover from a lung infection for about a month now and just can not get over it even after lots of antibiotics. So later today or tonight please say a pray for her that she will recover soon so that she can continue to do the Lord's work. Thank you!
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Monday, April 25, 2011
He is amazing! The elders before us were teaching him for 8 months but he didn't want to change and he didn't want to get baptized so they dropped him in December. Hermana Patino and I found him he was suppose to be baptized with us but he wasn't ready and he felt really forced. But then with me and Hermana Norton he made the decision to change to be a better person. We taught him about the atonement and the holy ghost and how it would help him he set the date and he decided to be baptize. This is him with us and his parents and hopefully they will be baptized to one day soon.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Brief Update
Kara sent her mom a brief email getting her up to date. She says that she is getting fit and should be as small as Lacey when she gets home. Also that she is a little sad because Hermana Castillo goes home in two weeks and worried about who will replace her because no one can replace Hermana Castillo.
Kara also said she has been thinking about what to do when she gets home and that she wants to put school on the top of her list along with finding a job and saving money. And that she still wants to go to nursing school. She also said not to worry she is not thinking about going home everyday she just likes to plan ahead so that you don't waste time.
Kara also said she has been thinking about what to do when she gets home and that she wants to put school on the top of her list along with finding a job and saving money. And that she still wants to go to nursing school. She also said not to worry she is not thinking about going home everyday she just likes to plan ahead so that you don't waste time.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
New Pics
I am a little behind but here is Kara's next round of photos. I hope you enjoy. She has provided the captions below each photo.
Last week p day we partied it up with some fut-ball ( soccer)
at conference with the Hermana's
After a one year olds B-day party in the ward the Hermana's took the balloons home. And why we were planning they attacked us with confetti and then balloons. So we took the balloons after Hermana Castillo tried to resel us to the wall so we wouldn't. But we took the balloons into there room and popped them it was on there floor for a week! lol and this is a picture of our room lol
My comp Hermana Norton, Hermana Castillo and were holding Hermana Castro. We live together! It is a lot of fun!! There is suppose to be a statue of Jesus behind us but the elders don't know how to take pictures!! lol
Went to McDonalds to eat and took a picture!!!
This is our zone picture when we went to go see Jesus. I tried to tell them that we are breaking a commandment by going cause its like worshiping but they didn't want to listen. And then they said we had to go lol oh well it was fun!
Monday, March 21, 2011
Pictures! Part 2
Alright be prepared for many pictures. Kara had to make up for last week so she sent me 26 pictures to share with all of you. Below each picture is her own description of what it is (with a little editing help!). So enjoy! Also this week Kara is becoming senior companion. Her new companion is Hermana Norton from Utah and she has only been out for 4 months so we will see what happens.
This is what they did to me in San Pedro when I tried to pray. lol!
This is Marisol she is my convert. I just don't know where her baptism picture are but she is amazing! She is 19 but really really tiny.
The family Inigo we ate lunch with them every Tuesday and always stopped by there house and had some juice they are amazing!!!
My peps from San Pedro. Funny thing is this is all the people from the other ward. I don't know what happened to mine. But I left at 7:30 in the morning they all got up and met me at the bus station they are so so nice!!
My first p day in Salta I went bowling with lizard and herms. It was awesome I never thought I would see them again until after the mission.
Me and my comp of this transfer Hermana Patino she is from Argentina. This was the day I think I got pneumonia. haha
This is a cool butterfly on a flower that I took in a investigators yard. He cut all his flowers and gave them to me the other day he is so sweet he is 66 yrs old.
We had to do a service project and clean a house of a lady. This is her bathroom and yes there is poop on the walls! ewwww. We cleaned it and the next week it was worse then before we came but that is OK the ward tried. It showed lots of unity!!!
We went to San Lorenzo. These next couple of photos will be of this. My comp went to but she didn't want to walk up the mountain so she stayed behind and I went with Hermana Castillo
Pretty huh? I love this so much!!
We are jumping on a bridge!!
I felt like Tarzan it was so cool!
This was after I fell in the water so I decided to chill and take a picture or two. lol
BYU verses U of U and he is from Chile and the other is from Pennsilvanya. hahahaha
I crawled all the way up there to take this picture on a log. haha the elders were laughing so hard.
My zone we made it to the top!!!!! yay!!!!!!!
This was me and my comp at the zone conference. I was suppose to be in my bed but she wanted to go so we did.
Me and Hermana Castillo. love her!!!
This is me in my sick days lol glad those are over
My picture (x-ray) before
My picture (x-ray) now.. I am all better!!!
This was me after I went out to work the 2nd day. lol I died sitting in bed for two weeks it seems to make a person very lazy
My comp leaving to Oran. Good times, I love her and I learned a lot from her.
Lizard leaving to Tucuman!!! I am going to miss him. There goes the three amigos, the three musketeers, the three I don't know but there gone now :( He was the bomb!!!
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Friday, March 4, 2011
So guess what Kara finally got my packages and so that means we now can enjoy some pictures. So just as a warning she has a lot! So enjoy and there will be more to come next week :) Oh and if you want to look at the pictures in the right order start from the bottom and go up. I downloaded them the way she sent them but they upload the other way.
This was my bomb district on our last meeting together. We lived far away from each other our district leader was 1 hour from us and the others are 2 hours away. We always met in the middle and traveled 1 hour every week to the meetings.
This was my house in San Pedro. I lived with my mom Hermana Pippia that is sitting next to me. My comp Hermana Guzman and Hermans Zaveleta. It was the bomb I learned tons of Spanish!
I had lunch with the family Inigo and they made me a sign with all there names!!
My birthday!! my cake was so good!!!
Hermana Guzman and my birthday lol. I didn't know how to tell her that her outfit was different but she is still beautiful!
Hermana Guzman and I took a visit to Jujuy I went and saw everyone from my old zone and played football!!!
This is me and Hermana Peneta. I spent Christmas with her and other Hermanas. I have always wanted to be her comp but I don't think its going to happen. But we will hang out in Utah after the mission!!!
This is what happens when you can't touch girls for a long time lol. This was my district leader and my zone leader. I snapped the shot and they all ran after me to erase it. But of course I won cause I put my camera in my shirt lol!
Cleaning time!! This is me and Hermana Campos we did exchanges the transfer of the picture she is amazing !!
This was our service project we did on New Years Day. We cleaned up a plaza it was fun. This is two of the districts in our zone it was really fun!!
This was our picture on New Years in San Pedro. It was awesome the Hermanas that were in Oran came down and we had a party!!!
I was waiting for Hermana Gaitan to leave to another area and Hermana Guyman came so we took a photo!!! And then Soledad of course the bomb!!
This is the president of my branch and his wife. We ate there every Sunday in San Pedro we had ice cream for dessert every time and it was a whole kilo for us four. Yay!! Also this is my comp Hermana Gaitan on her last Sunday with me and our member Soledad she helped us so much!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Getting Up to Date
It has been a while since you have seen what Sister Morris is up to and I apologize it seems the two of us have been busy, me at home in the states and Kara on her mission. Also Kara's camera was stolen so I had to send her a new one to get some pictures to post. Which she can't send until she gets my second package with the camera cord :) Oh the joys of international mail! So let me get you up to date on Kara's coming and goings.
November/December 2010:
Kara sent me a brief description of her last three companions. Her is what she said about the one she had over the holidays:
"My first comp in San Pedro was Hermana Gaitan from Argentina. I was with her for six weeks from right before Thanksgiving up until right after Christmas. I learned a lot! She made me do everything start the lessons, pick what we were going to teach to people, everything. And she was a fireball sometimes she would just blow up and I would just laugh at her. I loved her to death! I grew the most in my transfer with her."
If I recall Kara said this transfer was so difficult because she could only speak Spanish because her companion only knew Spanish. So it was in this transfer that she really mastered the Spanish language. Kara was also able to call home on Christmas Day and talk to all of her brothers and sisters and her mom. It was a great day and it was great to hear her doing so well. By Christmas her Spanish was so well that she was talking both Spanish and English on the phone and only Spanish to her brothers since they both severed Spanish speaking missions.
January 2011:
Kara started out the New Year with a new companion here is what she said about her:
"Hermana Guzman was my comp from Chile she was the bomb. It was hard at first cause we were both so use to doing everything and our companions just saying yes. I was not senior comp she was so she just did what she wanted. But we figured it out we worked together in unity. She worked different then I would have liked but the mission is all about making adjustments for your companion."
She stayed with Hermana Guzman for about 6 weeks and then she got a new companion last week.
February 2011:
So Kara started last week in a new area and with a new companion. Here is what she said:
"I'm in my new area.. guess where?? SALTA wear I told you 3 weeks ago I never wanted to serve hahaha. But it had two elders here before and now 4 Hermanas so we are opening up the area. My companion is a Latin and she is from Argentina this is my 3rd Argentine. She is super nervous because she has never opened up an area before. But I am excited because I was getting so bored I wanted a new adventure.
Guess what? I live with my step-mom Hermana Castillo!!! She is my favorite comp ever! I'm so excited. We are in the same ward but have different comps. She is opening up one part of the ward and I am opening up the other. I am going to learn so much!!!"
Kara is continuing to learn and grow on her mission. And now you know she is still working hard. I will post more when I know more. And hopefully she will get the camera cord so we can have some pictures to enjoy.
November/December 2010:
Kara sent me a brief description of her last three companions. Her is what she said about the one she had over the holidays:
"My first comp in San Pedro was Hermana Gaitan from Argentina. I was with her for six weeks from right before Thanksgiving up until right after Christmas. I learned a lot! She made me do everything start the lessons, pick what we were going to teach to people, everything. And she was a fireball sometimes she would just blow up and I would just laugh at her. I loved her to death! I grew the most in my transfer with her."
If I recall Kara said this transfer was so difficult because she could only speak Spanish because her companion only knew Spanish. So it was in this transfer that she really mastered the Spanish language. Kara was also able to call home on Christmas Day and talk to all of her brothers and sisters and her mom. It was a great day and it was great to hear her doing so well. By Christmas her Spanish was so well that she was talking both Spanish and English on the phone and only Spanish to her brothers since they both severed Spanish speaking missions.
January 2011:
Kara started out the New Year with a new companion here is what she said about her:
"Hermana Guzman was my comp from Chile she was the bomb. It was hard at first cause we were both so use to doing everything and our companions just saying yes. I was not senior comp she was so she just did what she wanted. But we figured it out we worked together in unity. She worked different then I would have liked but the mission is all about making adjustments for your companion."
She stayed with Hermana Guzman for about 6 weeks and then she got a new companion last week.
February 2011:
So Kara started last week in a new area and with a new companion. Here is what she said:
"I'm in my new area.. guess where?? SALTA wear I told you 3 weeks ago I never wanted to serve hahaha. But it had two elders here before and now 4 Hermanas so we are opening up the area. My companion is a Latin and she is from Argentina this is my 3rd Argentine. She is super nervous because she has never opened up an area before. But I am excited because I was getting so bored I wanted a new adventure.
Guess what? I live with my step-mom Hermana Castillo!!! She is my favorite comp ever! I'm so excited. We are in the same ward but have different comps. She is opening up one part of the ward and I am opening up the other. I am going to learn so much!!!"
Kara is continuing to learn and grow on her mission. And now you know she is still working hard. I will post more when I know more. And hopefully she will get the camera cord so we can have some pictures to enjoy.
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